About Me

Hi and welcome to my blog!
My name is Debbie Morris.
I am currently a Career Technology Coordinator
at our local high school. I am a Walden University
student. This blog was created as part of my
coursework for Walden University. I hope you
enjoy my blog!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring 2012 Course: EDUC-7108-1/EDUC-8848-1 Emerging and Future Technology

Current Trends/Emerging Technology

Identify a current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning or productivity in your industry.
Net books are a current technology which has emerged over the past few years in the educational arena.  This technology is currently on the forefront for promoting efficient, engaging, and differentiated instruction for today’s classroom.

What problems or challenges have been associated with this technology?
In order to address this question, I researched schools within my community to see if any of them were using any of the emerging technologies.  I found a local high school that had actually started the process of implementing Net books.  I conducted an interview with the principal of this high school. This particular school had just been awarded a grant that would enable the school to implement many technology tools.  One of the tools was Net books.  I asked the principal if he had faced any problems or challenges with this technology implementation.  Many issues and challenges had developed and were being addressed.  The amount of wireless internet required for the Net books was a cost issue.   Additional wireless routers would have to be purchased.  Security issues were a concern in that security cameras would have to be purchased and equipment/managing devices.  Making sure the building is secure at night involves purchasing security cameras.    Teachers will need the check out system (similar to a library book check out system) in order to manage students classroom use of the Net books.  Additional challenges exist in the maintenance of these net books and kindles.  This includes repairs and damages the students may make.  Finally, training of teachers and students on how to use the tool will be a challenge.  Most of the time, students are more adapted to using technology tools than the teachers.  All of these issues have surfaced as the school prepares for the implementation of Net books.

What societal need does it meet, and what are its benefits?
The societal need it meets is that it puts our students on the forefront of the 21 century.  They are provided with a vast amount of resources and their educational opportunities are expanded greatly. 

What would make this technology even better avoiding the pitfalls?

This technology would have greater success if some factors could be deleted or reduced.  Stakeholders would like to see every student have internet access at home.  However, this will not be the case.  Issues such as; teacher training, security cameras, plans for wireless internet, and education on responsibility and ownership are pitfalls they hope to see reduced.  Planning strategies for these pitfalls are being created.   In addition, teachers have to change their mindset of classroom procedures.  They will have to incorporate additional steps in existing procedures in order to monitor the checking in and out of these tools.

·        http://thejournal.com/pages/cdwg/21st-century-classroom_e-books.aspx

I have responded to Tameka Shingles and Belinda VanNorman's blog post.


  1. HI Debra,
    It sounds like your school is implementing a form of 1:1 or a 1:1 program. Is this correct? I taught for several years at a 1:1 school and the experience was amazing. Interestingly, very few of our security concerns came to pass in terms of theft, etc.

    Just as you mentioned, the students at my school were predominant without Internet access. However, we did a survey and found out we severely underestimated their ability to get Internet access. Has your school done a survey like this yet?

    The good news is that this program you are about to implement will make having Internet at home more of an attractive move since the students will benefit academically from it. Previously, parents may not have felt it was worth purchasing since nothing of substance was related to the computer use.

    How do you feel about this possibility with your students and their families?

  2. Hi Debra,

    It sounds like the wave of the future. There is a prediction that e-books will replace the traditional textbook in the classroom. However, I see the cost of technology being a challenge for some schools. Especially in these economic hard times. I can say that we have not had the opportunity to work with this emerging technology at the elementary level.

    Sandra Dykes

  3. Hi Debra,
    I have a feeling that the Net Books will be implemented into more and more schools are the years go on. I would love to have them in my classroom. I think that they would actually save the schools money. Right now our school has no money to replace some of our out-of-date textbooks. If we used the Net Books it would be as easy as installing updates. Great post! BV
