About Me

Hi and welcome to my blog!
My name is Debbie Morris.
I am currently a Career Technology Coordinator
at our local high school. I am a Walden University
student. This blog was created as part of my
coursework for Walden University. I hope you
enjoy my blog!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Concept Map Week 5


Moving Toward Dynamic Technologies

As I evaluate myself on where I am currently in my journey of being a dynamic technology user, I see myself as having experienced both static and dynamic sides of the map.  Prior to taking my Walden University courses, I had experienced only a few of the areas listed on the map.  My courses have strongly  emphasized the use of  media tools such as Wiki, Blogs, Skype and class discussion boards.  I know as I journey through the remaining courses and my teaching experiences  I will become dynamic and familiar with all the areas listed in this graphic organizer.


  1. Debbie,

    Your comments regarding the concept map seem to be reflective of mine, in the sense that the experience to this point lies with both static and dynamic. As I indicated in my blog comments on the same topic, I'm probably more surprised that television falls under the static category as opposed to dynamic, given the light-years the medium has travelled since its debut in the 1940s.

    In any event, I buy into the theory, as espoused by Moller (2008) that TV is much like a recipe in that its use is largely that of reproduction. I'm not sure about you, but somehow -- mainly because of its power -- it seems more dynamic in nature.



    Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools. [Unpublished Paper].

  2. HI Debbie,
    I enjoyed your unique graphic organizer. There are so many tools now available, the options are quite extensive and I find it interesting that many of us chose similar additions to our chart.

    It sounds like you are well on your way to teaching dynamically. As a note, I viewed your video and thought it was really great! :) Nice job!

  3. Hi Debbie. I must say I read your post and felt the same way. I have learned to use more tools now than I would have without this experience. I hope to start moving more toward dynamic technologies in the future.
