About Me

Hi and welcome to my blog!
My name is Debbie Morris.
I am currently a Career Technology Coordinator
at our local high school. I am a Walden University
student. This blog was created as part of my
coursework for Walden University. I hope you
enjoy my blog!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Module 5 Red Queens

Module 5
Blog post
DVD for Science Fiction Assignment

When you decided to obtain a DVD for your science fiction assignment in Module 4, where did you go to find a movie based on a Philip K. Dick book? Did you rent or purchase a DVD, or did you view it digitally on your computer using Netflix or a similar vendor of video-on-demand?
I selected the movie “Minority Report” for my science fiction assignment.  I was familiar with the movie and knew that my daughter- in- law had the movie as part of her movie collection.  She and her mother collect movies of all sorts. They have three hundred movies. I could have chosen Netflix.  I am familiar with it, however; I have never used it.  I usually rent my movies from the Video store or the Red Box.  We have a Red Box stationed at many of our local stores. It looks very similar to a coke box.  I actually call it the “coke box”.  You place your debit card in the machine and rent a movie for $1.00.  Rental stores and the Red Box are very convenient for my lifestyle.

Is the current competition between DVDs and video-on-demand an example of increasing returns or Red Queens? Justify your response with sound reasoning and specific examples.
Thornburg (2008c) describes Red Queens as taking place when two competing technologies work very hard to increase their market share. I believe the competition between DVD rentals, video-on-demand, and Red Box is an example of Red Queens.  They are all in competition with one another for the market’s attention and investment. Video-on-demand offers a quick access to movies anytime.  I feel video stores are feeling a lot of pain because of their competitors.  Many rental stores have closed in our area.  Today, our society welcomes easy access at low cost.  Therefore, Netflix is appealing to most people.

Where do you think DVDs and video-on-demand are on the four criteria of McLuhan’s tetrad?
I believe video rental will soon be obsolete.  I feel that video-on-demand fits into the category of reverses because it gives the consumer a cost efficient way to access the latest movies right from their home.  I caught a glimpse of a commercial recently that showed individuals having access to movies on the go through the use of their laptop and I believe Netflix.  Having to drive into town to purchase your rental movie will become obsolete. In Chris Anderson’s video, Wired on tech’s long tail, he stresses the fact that timing and the public’s appetite are factors that drive acceptance. With the economy struggles we currently face, consumers are cutting back in as many areas as possible. The timing for video-on-demand and Red Boxes couldn’t be better, as they have come out during a time of economic hardship.  


Anderson, C. (2004). Chris Anderson of Wired on tech’s long tail [Video]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/chris_anderson_of_wired_on_tech_s_long_tail.html

Thornburg, D. (2008c). Red Queens, butterflies, and strange attractors: Imperfect lenses into emergent technologies. Lake Barrington, IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Debra Morris

Blog Post

Module 4

How is Second Life a disruptive technology?

I feel Second Life is a disruptive technology. Second Life was launched in 2003.  It allows users to interact with each other through avatars.  You become a resident, meet other residents, socialize, participate in activities and even trade and create goods.  It has about one million active users. Second Life allows users to take on an identity in which they may fantasize about in real life.  I believe this could have some serious, negative effects on some people.

What technology or innovation did it displace?

I feel this technology displaced some of the earlier computer games that allowed you to create equipment and objects.  These previous technologies did not include the avatars and realistic interaction that Second Life does.  I also believe it may displace many of the social sites our society is currently engaged in online.  This fantasy socialization may become more appealing because of the lack of commitment it requires and the control it offers.

How many years do you think Second Life has left before another emerging technology or disruptive technology replaces it?

From the information I have researched online, Second Life has many followers.  I believe it will continue to grow.  Society today is attracted to the fantasy world it allows without breaking the law or being guilty of doing something wrong.  It will be at least ten or fifteen years before another emerging or disruptive technology replaces it.

What are the social benefits of Second Life, and what might be the social implications of virtual worlds in your industry?

Perhaps the attraction for members is a sense of getting by with things, personalities etc. that they may not be able to in our world.  This technology takes the user a step beyond “game playing” with X-Box or PlayStation.  It expands the engagement you would get in playing PlayStation games and controlling the actions of the games characters.  It also takes you a step further in controlling the environment’s sounds.  It allows you to create a world outside of yourself and your realistic world.

I have concerns about this engagement placing the user outside of reality.  To me, it seems to be a form of drug without drugs.  You leave your world without any chemical use.  However, this could be seen as a social benefit.  It could be a safe alternative for those who wish to escape reality.  As with anything in life, one has to be careful not to become obsessed or lose their concept of what is real and what is not.  I work with high school students and my view is that it could have negative effects on their socialization.  Teens are already withdrawn and distracted within socialization situations.  They are engaged with their cell phones and I pads often separated and oblivious to what is going on around them.  Additionally, I personally don’t see how anyone could have time to create a second life.  I need more time in my real life!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Module 3 Debra Morris

Module 3
Rhymes of History

In Dr. Thornburg’s video, Rhymes of History, he references Mark Twain’s statement of how history may not repeat itself, but how it does rhyme.  He adds that the impact of some new technology may rekindle something from the distant past.  It meets a human need that has always existed.  However, the new technology changes the approach in order to meet the existing need.
The technology I think about when considering Rhymes of History is the many tools we have of connecting with one another as though the person is right there.  When communicating with one another, we previously had access to a voice only. The standard telephone was eventually replaced by video conferencing.  Video conferencing made its grand introduction at the 1964 World’s Fair  held in New York.
Now we have the ability to see the person, hear the person and see all the surrounding objects in that particular location.  This need and desire to see the person we are talking to did not just develop.  Many years ago, people had addressed this need by drawing pictures on whatever means were available.  Then, many years later man created the video camera.  Although this delayed the time at which you could see the people speaking or displaying objects/scenery, it did address the need.  Today we have many technology tools that allow us to see the people we wish to communicate with or the items we wish to see.  We have global access to this.  We utilize tools such as Skype and webcams.  Within the classroom, teachers can present a virtual field trip.  They can communicate and visually see classrooms across the globe.
In the speech presented by Kevin Kelly (The Next 5,000 Days of the Web), Kelley presents our dependence on the Internet.  This certainly is true in regards to our society.  I experience this on a daily basis, as I know most of society does.  Just this week at work, I made the statement that I might as well go home if my internet was going to be off.  We really don’t realize how dependent we are upon the Internet until we are unable to log on.  It is an eye opener as you ponder what you can do with your time while waiting for it to come back up.  I had several thoughts of “oh I can do this”, only to realize “no I can’t, I need the internet for that”.
Kelly, K. (2007, December). The next 5,000 days of the web [speech]. Speech delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/kevin_kelly_on_the_next_5_000_days_of_the_web.html
Thornburg. D. (2009). Rhymes of History. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved April 12, 2012 from http://sylvan.live.ecollege.com/ec/crs/default.learn? http://www.nefsis.com/Best-Video-Conferencing-Software/video-conferencing-history.html
Multipoint Video Conferencing:
I have responded to Tameka and Sandra.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Module 2 Blog Tetrad

Lytro Camera
The Lytro camera offers features that are fairly mind-blowing.  It expands the capabilities of cameras as we know them.  The Lytro camera allows you to focus after the fact, focus and refocus during anytime and anywhere.  The most amazing capability to me is how it allows you to adjust parts of the picture you have taken.  This capability allows you to change who or what is in the background or foreground of your picture.  It allows you to arrange parts of the picture as being blurry and the other part clear.  The Lytro offers switch modes.  With this tool, you can switch between “everyday mode,” where the refocus range is determined automatically, and “creative mode,” which gives the photographer control over the refocus range.
In using the Lytro camera, picture taking steps are the same.  You focus and simply push the button to record your image.  The Lytro camera has some drawbacks such as its cost ($399 to $499).  Additionally, the Lytro’s 1.5 inch LC D screen seems too grainy and small to really get a sense of what you’re shooting.

Video on the use of the Lytro camera:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring 2012 Course: EDUC-7108-1/EDUC-8848-1 Emerging and Future Technology

Current Trends/Emerging Technology

Identify a current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning or productivity in your industry.
Net books are a current technology which has emerged over the past few years in the educational arena.  This technology is currently on the forefront for promoting efficient, engaging, and differentiated instruction for today’s classroom.

What problems or challenges have been associated with this technology?
In order to address this question, I researched schools within my community to see if any of them were using any of the emerging technologies.  I found a local high school that had actually started the process of implementing Net books.  I conducted an interview with the principal of this high school. This particular school had just been awarded a grant that would enable the school to implement many technology tools.  One of the tools was Net books.  I asked the principal if he had faced any problems or challenges with this technology implementation.  Many issues and challenges had developed and were being addressed.  The amount of wireless internet required for the Net books was a cost issue.   Additional wireless routers would have to be purchased.  Security issues were a concern in that security cameras would have to be purchased and equipment/managing devices.  Making sure the building is secure at night involves purchasing security cameras.    Teachers will need the check out system (similar to a library book check out system) in order to manage students classroom use of the Net books.  Additional challenges exist in the maintenance of these net books and kindles.  This includes repairs and damages the students may make.  Finally, training of teachers and students on how to use the tool will be a challenge.  Most of the time, students are more adapted to using technology tools than the teachers.  All of these issues have surfaced as the school prepares for the implementation of Net books.

What societal need does it meet, and what are its benefits?
The societal need it meets is that it puts our students on the forefront of the 21 century.  They are provided with a vast amount of resources and their educational opportunities are expanded greatly. 

What would make this technology even better avoiding the pitfalls?

This technology would have greater success if some factors could be deleted or reduced.  Stakeholders would like to see every student have internet access at home.  However, this will not be the case.  Issues such as; teacher training, security cameras, plans for wireless internet, and education on responsibility and ownership are pitfalls they hope to see reduced.  Planning strategies for these pitfalls are being created.   In addition, teachers have to change their mindset of classroom procedures.  They will have to incorporate additional steps in existing procedures in order to monitor the checking in and out of these tools.

·        http://thejournal.com/pages/cdwg/21st-century-classroom_e-books.aspx

I have responded to Tameka Shingles and Belinda VanNorman's blog post.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Concept Map Week 5


Moving Toward Dynamic Technologies

As I evaluate myself on where I am currently in my journey of being a dynamic technology user, I see myself as having experienced both static and dynamic sides of the map.  Prior to taking my Walden University courses, I had experienced only a few of the areas listed on the map.  My courses have strongly  emphasized the use of  media tools such as Wiki, Blogs, Skype and class discussion boards.  I know as I journey through the remaining courses and my teaching experiences  I will become dynamic and familiar with all the areas listed in this graphic organizer.